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I was just thinking

The Elven Queen Push's Her Luck.

 We've had some bad storms this summer with weeklong rain, God bless global warming. So not wishing to put any time into starting some new project, or God forbid finishing one, I concocted an epic medieval battle. To that end the Elven queen met Sir Tristram Tristan the 107th in a forest clearing and had the latest dispute settled. Only infantry and cavalry units took part as the dense tree canopy excluded the use of archers and artillery. Basically, an excuse for a mass splodge. I used my cinematic Hollywood heroes' rules that still only reside in my own head. It was a splendid bloody affair where despite heavy casualties Sir Tristram Tristan the 107th prevailed. What a great way to spend a wet day. The highlight was the decimation of cavalry by the elven dogs of war. Luckly for Sir Tristan the spent force of three headed dogs did not rally and took off deeper into the forest. The foot soldiers were able to route the eleven forces by brute strength. If the dogs had rallied it ...

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