Tremors and Tribulations
Seven movies into the tremorverse and still I want more. The film franchise started back in 1990 and now appears to have wound up with its 7th movie outing in 2020. There was a 1 season TV show as well. I always fancied that this would make a great minis-based game. Board or skirmish I'd like both, but to date no licensed games seem to be in development.
Having said that the Rampage Game studios made a game called Terror Below and you just had to look at the box art to know what the source material was. Like the sucker I am I bought it. The game itself is Ok but more of a strategical fetch quest than what I wanted as the core of a Tremors game. Which is detection/ hunting and surviving attacks from large Annelida, or as they are known locally Graboids. Now the primary characteristic of these encounters is the use of large caliber ordinance in their removal. The lead character is a weapons enthusiast par excellent. So, a grid-based hunt with lots of Minis with a bias for heavy weaponry is on my Wishlist.
Its 2 years and 1 month (but who's counting) since the release of the excellent 7th movie and still no takers for a licensed game. Lots of fan made video games and at least one tremors inspired homemade board game in play testing. I don't think I can wait; I think i will give this a try myself this year.
This sort of idle speculation is lots of fun, I think I will start with the Minis.....
Not An Obsession just a healthy concern for Annelida |
Bert Gummer Not Included. |
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