Delivering On All Those Old School Ideas.

 I've now have the space I need to work on my long-ago sidelined hobby projects whilst leaving Oathsworn on the games table. We had been doing a bit of downsizing of late. Thats donating stuff to charity, giving it away or sending it for recycling. So, with all those half-completed projects and half-baked ideas now neatly organised, highly visible, boxed, labelled and stacked and in easy reach, I can now execute on the promises they offered when discarded half finished. I have also enjoyed bringing out completed projects and enhancing them with better painting, new models and in some cases just a good dusting. My pile of shame is now an archive of opportunity. At least I have to tell myself that to stop spending on new shiny things.

Won't Be Long Before I need The other Side Of The Garage.

Piles Of Opportunity

Cosy, Home Within Home.
