Mad Mage Mildly Amuses.

It’s been about 6 years since I last played  a WOTC D&D board game. I had gone off them following the first 4 boxed games, they had all become a bit of a repetitive grind. I guess they would be better as a 2 player plus game, because then you have the unpredictable action/reaction of your friends to take you in new directions. Herein lies the problem as you will not get many people to commit to this game as for the hardcore it’s too simplistic. But on a rainy overcast morning I felt like beating up some monsters and taking their stuff.  I find this game good for easing your conscience in that direction as you are always attacked first during your exploration phase. “Well you started it” my Paladin cried, in an un chivalrous manner. To their credit though WOTC do add new game mechanisms with each new game release. This normally adds to and matches the tone of the campaign they are working with. In this case it is part of the Waterdeep adventure. It’s chock full of monstrosities and constructs, humans, humanoids and the Fey. Plus a sprinkling of the undead for some reason. They are all doing there darnedest to kill my characters in an unbiased manner. Yes good old school dungeon basics on offer here, ideal for a wet overcast morning. Not sure if I will get to complete all 13 adventures though. But good fun while the weathers inclement and my attention holds.

Thanks to Jeremy and Sam who lent me the game. Note: I will use my own mini’s as to play with unpainted miniatures is an affront to the Gods and my personal sensibility. 

I Do Enjoy A Bit Of Hack And Slash On Occasion.

I Think The Initial Opening Moves Are My Favourite.
