Death By Arachnid

Memorable Endings Part 8.

 Spiders and scorpions will always have a home in dungeon crawlers. These 8-legged, web spinning, venom shooting, speedy nightmares are bad enough in real life. I have to get my wife to remove them as they make my skin crawl, and I will involuntarily leap back at the sight of them. We have on the property many species of spider including some poisonous to humans including one of the world's deadliest. So, I have a great respect for them as once when bitten by a wolf spider I experienced necrotic tissue damage that didn't heal for months.

Having said that they are great for focusing the party toward a joint effort in ridding them from the dungeon you are exploring. Co-op battle is essential as they have the potential to hurt all in a short round because of their speed and agility. Combine that with their venomous fangs and cocooning silk spinnerets and you have a clear and present danger. The ones you encounter in dungeons all seem to be super-sized mutants as well. I think I specifically should roll to see if I escape freezing in terror as an action.

It's fair to say that they see you as a good source of protein for their young. We all know how hobbits faired with giant spiders in that book by Tolkien. So, unless you want to end up covered in a sticky silk overcoat and glued to a wall always have a torch on hand and lite before approaching a known spider infested area.

Scorpions are like spiders but armored and with claws in addition to stingers. Who dreams this stuff up.

For someone who is a self-confessed Arachnophobe I appear to own an unhealthy amount of Spider monster movies. I don't know what that says, and I don't want to know.

Ohhh the horror. WOTC Castle Raven loft monsters.
The spider's from 2nd edition Descent. "Surely one is enough guys"...

80's Grenadier scorpions, apparently, they don't come in red. who knew?
Not an obsession, just glad its them not me.
