Holding Back The Hoard.

 I spend a lot of game time where hordes of aliens or zombies attempt to overwhelm me or my team. I seem to gravitate to these sorts of games in my purchase choice. I think I can pinpoint this leaning to an early childhood incident. I can remember having a reoccurring dream around the time I was 5 or 6 where I am on a pure white plain. Slowly the margins are engulfed by black bubbly stuff that creeps toward me, but I think I always awake before it covers me. So do I want to revisit this endlessly to reassure myself that I can overcome this inevitable engulfing. Thats the tricky part because I don't always beat the hoard. Aliens v Predator, Project Elite, Space Hulk, Zombicide are the core hoard games but others like Ghost busters, Rum & Bones, Overkill, Cthulhu DMD, Silver tower, Mutant Chronicles Siege of The Citadel are all capable of turning into a hoard type scenario if you don't make the right tactical decisions. Probably the best at encapsulating the desperate fear of being overrun is the timing mechanism incorporated into the Project Elite game. I just can't win this as I am not quick enough on my die roll and resolution when playing solo. This game actually scares me. I can't wait to try this as a two-player game, I have a need to win this game. Other people win it I have seen it on Utube unedited. But the wins are always near run things, and everyone that participated seems drained afterward but highly satisfied with the experience. However, you don't see a lot of multiple replays. It's like once you get a win you call it quits with this game. Space Hulk's overwhelming key feature is its use of claustrophobic settings and fast multiple armed monsters, you really feel you are about to be engulfed at any moment you take your finger off the trigger of your storm bolter. However, playing against the alien xenomorphs as a predator in Aliens v Predator seems more like a process than a survival outing. They seem to revel in the situation. I have to guess so i am going to say I get into these games because win or lose I want to feel something deeper. Don't tell me it's only a game, it's a tangible expression of my subconscious primal drive. Wow that was cathartic.

"They're everywhere man"

Space Hulk A Claustrophobic Masterpiece. 

Seems these Predators revel in the hoard battles.
