Holiday Of The Daleks

 Where do the Daleks go for their holidays. This is a little explored subject in the Whovianoverse. They must have them I mean to say by the end of each series they seem to have shouted themselves hoarse. In addition, the repetitiveness of their job descriptions must wear them out. All that destruction, annihilation comes with a price mentally, surely. I would venture that at a minimum they are withdrawn from service when they start to exhibit PTSD. Withdrawn for a lengthy reindoctrinating and maybe this is seen as a stress reliever or as good as we would imagine a holiday could be for them. Maybe this reindoctrinating takes the form of a fortnight on a planet where they do nothing but together wage internal wargames and shooting things. Maybe while on holiday they are shown other cultures outside their sphere of knowledge so they can come to hate them. I mean hate doesn't come from nothing; you have to percolate it. At the very least the Cult of Skaro would holiday as they have imagination. Would they even enjoy a holiday though? I am sure they would. They must take pride in what they do otherwise what is their true under lying motivation. I bet they get back from a holiday really looking forward to the destruction of all inferior life forms. I am sure they really do get their batteries electrostatically recharged rubbing up against some new and exotic abrasive surfaces. We know of the existence now of the asylum of the Daleks, all those poor soulless that didn't get a break when they needed it. That alone should be proof positive of a holiday of the Daleks.

Relaxing Dalek enjoys a spin in an elimination class space fighter.

Listening to Classical music just before it's extermination.

Holiday planet where different dalek types can develop new prejudice's
