Design Of The Daleks.

What now for the universe’s greatest far right monsters. The BBC is currently quiet on the return of Daleks in 2023. To my disappointment the ‘New Dalek Paradigm’ has been conveniently forgotten, apparently due to a fan base backlash. They were oversized and far to colorful. I loved the design accompanied with the bold colors of each new Dalek. They stood alongside that other British iconic design rebirth the Mini Cooper. I guess you have to be a certain age to see that. Again, recently they have tried new designs. A good example is the 2021 Jodi Whittaker's 2019 new year episode, Resolution. here they kept most of the classic design, just a few tweaks here and there to the classic shape. Fans could clearly see this iteration could not exist beyond that single episode. So, leave the Daleks alone because as Davros would tell you they are the supreme beings programmed to rule via the destruction of all other inferior beings. So having said that they are at the peak of their design if all else is inferior. We will now have to wait until November 2023 for the new series which ties in with the 60th anniversary of the first aired Dr Who episode. That there will be Daleks in the new series is a fairly safe bet for an anniversary year. Change of Doctor, Change of Dalek design anyone.....

                                            The new paradigm v2 paint schemes
                                               The New Davros. Nicholas Briggs
                                           I can feel a fan backlash coming on
