A Batman For Everyone And Our Times

 As a kid I bought into the Batman who obeyed the letter of the law, who never used a gun and never took down a bad guy at the expense of his moral high ground. These ethics were from the 60's only available media the TV show and comics. 60 years on I think that for the sake of the 21st century we need to come full circle to this time again. Things are very, very different for the Batman in the comics and movies right now. They've lost it as far as I am concerned. The Dark Knight cult that started in the 80's is still being perpetuated 40 years on. I think we are at the end of this cycle. In his latest big budget movie outing he had to go through some real nasty stuff to come to the realization that he has to be a beacon of hope. He always was prior to the 80's.  Anyway, if that's the direction his storyline is going in then here is my mini story board for the next Batman film. Here we will see an aging Batman dealing with his midlife as he looks to the future. Also trying to maintain his 60's cool while being seen to address environmental concerns. Is there any dark aspect left that hasn't been explored in the past 30 odd years of the movies. I hope not because I miss letter of the law Batman and not just because he was regulated by a TV or comics code authority. But because the western world really did believe in a set of moral standards in its media. I am tired of the Dark Knight persona being sold to us as his ideal. The worlds moved on or at least around. bring back Batman for everyone and lighten it up old chums.

Meanwhile back at the Batcave

Batman Takes it personally

The dynamic duo rebond over new Tesla Batmobile.
