Death By Genestealer

Memorable Heroic Endings Part 5.  

Death by Genestealer is a terrifying way to go. Slashed to pieces by claws that can open space marine armor like it's made of cardboard. The sheer terror of having Genestealers barreling toward you down claustrophobic ill lite corridors can be heart stopping. They attack relentlessly and die in droves as you gun them down until your weapons overheat and jam but occasionally, they get through and your life expectancy drops to zero. This is seconded only by death dealt from those BFG toting Genestealer Hybrids. Although I am not a fan of Games Workshops grim dark Warhammer epics, I do like some of their standalone games such as Space Hulk and Overkill and even Space Crusade. I first played Space Hulk when my game buddy bought a copy back in the 80's and was hooked immediately. I still have a photocopy of the mission's book from that time. Also, some copies of articles from White Dwarf magazine on how to use Genestealer hybrids in Milton Bradley's version Space Crusade, which incidentally had Genestealers in it that activated as ambush predators. You couldn't get hold of a copy of Space Hulk for years, so I eagerly grabbed one in 2014 when an updated version was released. I had already bought Overkill because it had Genestealers and Genestealer hybrids which I was quite fond of. The game rules are nothing special but the visual aspect of pushing various generations of hybrids around a board and blasting away at those pompous pesky space marines in their overbuilt terminator armor held great appeal. If a hero dies but one death, then comparatively the stealers died ten thousand.

Dammit Their coming out of the floor

The Queen Leads a mixed generation force of Hybrids to purge the hive of the impure....
The swarming
