Death By Giant Snake

Memorable Endings Part 10.

My favorite giant snakes have come from WOTC dungeon crawlers such as Tomb of Annihilation. You just can't have a jungle setting without these deadly guys turning up. They make a great wandering monster as they come ready riled. you might be quick enough to dodge one but three, no, forgone conclusion. Conan always seems to encounter these sorts of creatures particularly in his adventures in the primal Hindu Kush where the misty swamps seem to produce these sorts of creatures readily. In one memorable adventure we rescued the princess only for her to be killed by a giant snake when we weren't focused on her protection. Oh well live and learn. They make a great B movie monster particularly when it comes to terrorising  planes apparently.
  The Deadlier Version Of The Gummy Snake.
A Conan Misadventure.
Not An Obsession Just For Scale.
