Enlisting Cerberus, Dragons and Griffons.

 Human medieval armies in 54mm are well served with men at arms, cavalry, artillery and siege weapons etc. But what about alternative armies, you want something a bit different to counter the standard crop of weapons. For my Elven army (just smaller scale cheap knights painted gold) Instead of cavalry I use Cerberus, a handy pack of giant attack dogs on a single base. These creatures are held in check by a dedicated handler. I use them to counter human cavalry charges that medieval knights just seem to insist on. They are very effective. To fill the role of artillery I use dragons with dedicated dragon handlers. These creatures hurl regurgitated balls of flaming goo to impressive ranges. A well stoked dragon has only a short reloading time as well. I have used Elven mounted Griffons on occasions to magic bomb human positions but with mixed results, of late I send them up only on reconnaissance. Dragons, Cerberus and Griffons are cheap enough toys to add in and I am always on the lookout for more fantasy creatures that will scale well with the 54mm human knights. 

Cerberus a 3 pack of attack dogs on one handy base.

Packs Of Cerberus in the front lines with Dragon Artillery at the rear. 

Humans experimented in using the Cerberus breed but after a few mounted nobles were eaten the idea was abandoned.
