No Flaws for Jaws

 I guess the biggest influence on me in terms of love for monster movies and games, next to Alien, have been shark movies. It was the summer of 1975 during the school holidays, I had read all the hype in the newspapers and movie magazine articles on Jaws for the last time. The owner of the news agents that I used to browse through at length advised me to buy it or beat it. I never went back to that news agent again, well if the bloke that told me off was serving anyway. I lined up to see my towns premier of the movie and came out a changed lad.

Jaws I think was my first mainstream monster of note. A monster that seemed so immediate. I had been introduced to monsters' way before this with the Dr Who serials and Ray Harryhausen films, but this was serious stuff. A real shark could seriously mess you up. So much so that I never swam in the sea that summer and confined my cool offs to friends' pools. 

When I saw Ravensburgers Jaws game with its Iconic Jaws poster cover I dived into the reviews and was so happy to find people were rating it. There hasn't to my knowledge been a Jaws board game up until this one (2019). Was this due to licensing issues or just the two hard basket I don't know. For pure nostalgia I would have thought it would have been profitable. I mean to say it spawned so many B grade shark movies. I know because I own most of them.

The game over 2 acts captures the movie tension perfectly. The shark does hidden movement forcing the team to be very sure where they think the shark will appear. In act 2 an emboldened shark takes experience gained in Act 1 to give itself that extra edge in sinking the boat and eating the crew. will the shark or the surviving crew members win, it is always a close thing. The game has been my families favorite for 2 years and we always play it with 4 players so all the mainstays are involved. In fact, when we are all together it is always played 4 times. This is so everyone can get a chance at playing the shark.

Act 1 find the shark 
Act 2 Shark dismantles your boat then you.

Not an obsession just beach awareness guides.
