Zombie Takedown Count.

Ever wondered how many Zombies get taken down in a typical Zombicide scenario. I am so glad this came up as I can now advise. But I can only advise for the season 1 original Zombicide as it is all I've ever played. I had always assumed takedown must be in the hundred range unless you are using a very successful custom stealth team. Imagine a team using nothing but crowbars, pan, baseball bat and machete. Can't imagine that silent scenario being successful particularly if you get split up chasing an objective. Anyway, I digress. Recently I had 2 sessions of Zombicide using the custom team of Mystery Inc. The results were,

Season 1 Scenario 4, 69 Zombies downed in 15 moves. top scorer Shaggy with 19 takedowns

Season 1 Scenario 5, 55 Zombies downed in 15 moves. top scorer Shaggy with 13 takedowns.

I don't play distraction strategies very often unless an inordinate number of Zombies have amassed along the escape route. I think this is the typical way the game is played so this takedown count is fairly representative. looks like Shaggy along with Scooby Doo get to be in the centre of the action just like the old cartoons.  If the subject ever comes up over a cup of coffee, you can now talk on this subject with confidence.

Scooby Doo can't do anything silently.

About to render the police some assistance.

"We got our own problems'. Note Shaggy ↙in the thick of the action.
