Self-Imposed imposition.

I had to stop playing Etherfield about 30 hours in. Not because the game is exhausting or that I crave playing something else or the starting of a new project. It's just that I broke my own law then tried to justify it. After much ruminating I couldn't live with myself, guilt is a great motivator. I have to paint the Etherfield figures. I know I said I only dream in black and white as if a few grey and black washes were enough, but I was only kidding myself. Etherfields deserves painting fully.

I must confess this was not the first time I've played a game with unpainted figures. At Christmas I was given Nemesis as a present and played it straight away as I had a gamer friend close at hand. The excitement of the moment clouded my better judgement. I confess this as it obviously led to my picking up an unsavory habit when Etherfields arrived on my doorstep. For shame. Anyway, wrongs are in the process of being righted and the penalty for my failure to obey the law is that I have been separated from the game at a very interesting time. 

It's so much more immersive when its painted. Swamp creature from Grenadier.

My Christmas shame, great game though.

Painting is a reward unto itself. Lest I forget.
