Intuitive Game Play For Cinematic Fun.

Try this if you have been playing skirmish games for a while. Forget the favorite rule set for a large individually based figure fantasy battle and work out an acceptable % chance of an action being successful as it happens. Agree this with your opponent of course and sure keep things like a standard movement rate but only as it is relative to other types in the game. The result is more cinematic as the lines of battle flow back and forth. Let's say a knight charging in on foot battles a knight holding ground on foot. Roll the same die for each and just give the charging knight +1 to the roll for that turn as he crashes and pushes his opponent off balance. The winner then moves into the space vacated by the loser. Heroes will emerge cutting swathes through the enemy while other champions may go down unexpectedly early. Limit the fighting to so many rounds so your magic users can step in with a chance of casting any spell. The magic users are buying time for the armies to reform for the final push or the last defense.
Chaos, you say, "Not all contingencies can be covered", Not so if are playing a long-time gaming friend who like you is in it for the entertainment and not just the win. "But it will take ages", Not when you consider how much time you spend remembering and then being challenged on the rules and consulting tables of that dedicated rule set.
Embrace Chaos with large individual figure battles that are made that much more personal and thus memorable. You will retire post-game to discuss the individual actions of those heroic people that saved the day or led you to leave the field in disgrace.

                                                                        Embrace Chaos

                                                           The Heavily Armored Clash.
                                          The Elven Queens Golden Army hold fast the line.
