Death By Gelatinous Cube.

 Memorable Heroic Endings Part 2

One of the most annoying monsters to encounter is the gelatinous cube. Also, a strong contender for the most absurd. In cases where I have had come across one it usually slobbered the width of the underground dungeon corridor and approached undetected until too late. The good news is that it normally can only absorb one large creature at a time. So, after distracting the party with a pointed misdirection feel free to push the most expendable member into the cube it's the only way to slow the beast down. Anyway, death by Gelatinous cube is slow but you do have the chance of a good, aligned party rescuing you for a short while. Not that you meet many pure good, aligned parties in D&D.

                 Here a mid 1980's Grenadier Minotaur is engulfed by a Nolzers Marvelous Gelatinous Cube
                                               Same goes for an 80's Grenadier Golem
                                  Cant even remember what this creature was before the engulfing.....
